Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Well, my day off yesterday didn't happen. It ended up being a 12 1/2 hour day if you count PT and a 15 minute shower.

Normally that wouldn't bother me, especially if I am working on the Unit, much like I was last week, but when it is someone else's crisis, it gets frustrating.

You know what though, that is what happens in the military, hell in most civilian hospitals or corporations it is that way. We have become a reactionary society. The idea of the "Law of Seven P's" has all but ceased to exist. For those not familiar: "Proper Previous Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance"

Is it really that difficult? We do it downrange in Iraq and Afghanistan ( I only have done a 6 month tour to Iraq so far) but in the rear, when we are safe at home, it seems to fall to the wayside. Case in point: Hospitals preparing for Joint Commission reviews. In the older days, hospitals knew about when their big every three year inspection would come. Luckily, we still have a week's notice in military facilities. While the leadership of the facility has a sense of urgency, it didn't exist in the hospital staff until that one week notice came. That means no previous planning, and some places end up with piss poor performance.

OK, enough work crap :D
Personal life is pretty quiet right now, the most excitement was setting up the Christmas Inflatables. 6 up this evening. The roof and fence lights and other decorations will have to wait till Friday when I get some back up from Anna at work. Something about crawling across a roof alone just didn't sound appealing. After Friday, my youngest step daughter Alisha (26), Anna, Jenn (wife) and I are going to Branson, Missouri to Silver Dollar City and do the Christmas Light tours.

Well, I guess that is all for today folks, as always, thank you for stopping by. I look forward to your questions, comments and the like as this blog progresses. Be sure to visit some of the links that scroll across the bottom so I can make some extra coin collecting money!

Monday, November 26, 2007

First day

Well, today is my first day of the blog life. What better way to begin than with an introduction?

That is what I thought, so here we go:

I am a 30 year old US Army nurse. I have been in the military for over 13 years now, starting with 5 years in the Iowa National Guard before I came on Active Duty. I have worked as a firefighter/EMT/CNA since I was about 15 1/2 and continue to work in the EMS field on occasion.
My hobbies include coin collecting, weightlifting/power lifting, collecting Victorian style Santa's, travel with my wife of 7 1/2 years and playing with our two dogs. I have two step daughters, and two step grand children.
Other pursuits include music, pursuing my Bachelors in Psychology as well as finishing my pre-requisites for the Army's Physician Assistant Program.
Political/religious views are somewhat conservative Christian, supportive of the military and the pursuit of education rights.

I think that covers the basics for now. It should also give you somewhat of an idea of things I may talk about, want to talk about and would like to share. Come back and visit anytime, and I will do my best to put some tidbits of something out there.