Tuesday, January 22, 2008

WHEN I am President: Part #1

WHEN I am President:

I got to thinking and today, and I was honestly confused on how hard it could be to serve the people of the United States and lead the government in a manner that would be in the best interest of the citizens. Then I thought of the two biggest road blocks: Congress and Foreign governments. Despite those two obstacles (easily overcome-able with a little work), serving the citizens of the US shouldn’t be too hard as we all have the same basic ideals that get discombobulated in a politician’s mouth.

Standardize the tuition of public colleges and universities across the nation to an average baseline and adjust according to the cost of living.
Eliminate free college education within the US prison system. If Joe Snuffy and his sister have to pay for college, and if our Service Members have to pay for college, so should prisoners.
After 10 years of service in the military, Service Members should have 100% of their tuition to any public college paid for. Under 10 years should maintain the Tuition Assistance program available now.
The Montgomery GI Bill should be transferrable to dependants.

Prison system:
You saw how I feel about education in prisons. I have no problem with OJT for technical skills and ESL courses, but please…law degrees? Whatever!
How much money is pumped into the Federal bureau of prisons? Too much! Tent city in Arizona should be the standard. Cable? No! Gourmet meals? NO! If our school children and Soldiers can eat it, then the prisoners should feel blessed to have it.
Possession with intent to sell or distribution in a school zone should have a 5 year minimum sentence, first offense. Three strikes for possession? 5 years minimum. With the idea of tent city, no cable and no college, the US can afford to house prisoners for the full length of their term.
Death sentence? If criminals think falling asleep to die is cruel and unusual, they should try being sucked apart by a vacuum cleaner. I mean it is ok for babies, why not prisoners? Set a standard, keep the standard.

Health care:
NO universal health care. It isn’t working for our beloved neighbors to the north, why would we think it would work here.
Increase education assistance for nurses, physicians and CNA’s. They will take care of us in the future, let’s make them happy with their career now.

Major tax credits for US Corporations…..IF:
1> No tax cuts for US based companies that are 55% outsourced or more.2> The full tax cut would go to businesses who were 100% US with no outsourcing3> Companies would receive a cut for exporting 25% more than they import or more
4> Largest cuts would also go to companies who had no imports and solely used US goods

Next time: More on business, military, foriegn policy, taxes, and debt

1 comment:

seal357 said...

I agree with everything except for the part of the education of the military. If you give four years of your life, which can amount to four tours anywhere in the world, you should be awarded with four years of education. I actually would make it mandatory for everyone to serve at least two years in the military. Doing whatever they can to serve this great country. Even if it is behind a desk. Maybe everyone would be as patriotic as they should be.